Online Building and Planning Services
Building Permit
View Plan Check Status
Schedule an Inspection
Planning Permit
Tree Removal Permit
Building Permit
Obtain Minor Building Permit - No Plans Required (unless otherwise noted)
Apply and pay for the following minor building permits that do not require plans to be submitted:
Air Conditioning
Electrical Panel Replacement
Energy Storage System
(upload of plans required)
EV Charger
Furnace Replacement
Photovoltaic System
(upload of plans required)
Roof Replacement (Reroof)
Sewer Line Replacement
(upload of WVSD permit required)
Temporary Power
Water Heater Replacement
Water Pipes Replacement
Building Permit Application
- Plans Required
Apply, enter plans link, and pay deposit for a building permit plan check submittals.
Initial building permit submittal
Resubmittal for plan check where comments have been provided from a previous submittal
Issue permit and pay fees for a plan check that has been approved
Revision submittal of revised plans after a building permit has been issued